Reconstructing Neural Circuitry Patterns Inside the Brain

8 min readJul 1, 2021


by Dr. Joe Dispenza — Neuroscientist, Chiropractor

Most of our thoughts and feelings come from our past experiences. They come from our memories. In fact, your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life.

Your brain is a record of all the things you’ve learned and experienced to date. It’s an artifact. And when you have an experience, when you’re in the midst of an experience, all of your five sense plug you into the external environment. And as your brain is processing all of this vital sensory data, all of that information rushes back to the brain. And when it reaches the brain, it causes jungles of neurons to organize themselves into networks. To string into patterns. To reflect their interaction with their external environment.

The moment those neurons organize into patterns, the brain makes a chemical, and that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion. And so experinces tend to create more long term memories because it patterns or stamps or embosses networks of neurons into very specific patterns, and then the emotional quotient helps us to remember the event.

The end product of experience, of course, is the emotion. And it causes us to feel certain ways. You can remember where you were on 9/11, you can tell me who you are with, what time of day it was, what you were doing. Because whatever you were seeing in that moment, or hearing in that moment, changed how you were feeling. And the moment you felt altered or you felt differently, significantly, your brain perked up and you paid attention to whatever caused that. That event in and of itself is called a memory.

So most of our thoughts and feelings tend to be within the neural circuitry of the past, and the emotions of the past, chemically. If you combine a thought and a feeling, a thought and a feeling, a thought and a feeling, and you have a series of good thoughts that are connected to a series of good feelings, that cycle of thinking and feeling creates what’s called an attitude. If you have a series of negative thoughts that are connected to some pretty bad feelings, you’ll say of a pretty bad attitude today.

So if how you think and how you feel creates a state of being, then attitude are just shortened states of being. If you take an attitude, an attitude, an attitude, and you begin to string attitudes together, when you combine them together you start to form what’s called beliefs. Now, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over and over again, until you hard wire it in your brain. And because beliefs are based on past experiences, then the very boundaries of our beliefs are how we feel. So when our beliefs get challanged, it typically doesn’t feel right. I think there’s a strong intellectual division going on in the world right now.

Because some people are holding onto old paradigms and old beliefs, and look, if we’re measuring normal, we’re going to get normal. I mean, for years. For years the idea that you couldn’t grow new brain cells, or you couldn’t change the brain in some way. That was a belief, and you know why? Because the scientist that was doing the experiment was studying rodents in an unchanging environment. How could there ever be any new connections or new circuitry or new brain cells if there’s no new experiences?

So I think in the age of information, in the age of technology, ignorance is a choice. And people are beginning to go “Hey, I don’t need my doctor to tell me about this, I can get it on the internet and read it”, “Hey, I’m going to read a book on quantum physics, and I’m going to ask the mysterious questions. I’m going to step outside of convention myself.” So, once you step outside of convention, you will be considered foolhardy or insane. Until you’re able to produce some type of change, then you’re considered a saint, a holy man, a mystic, genius. Dare to be original.


I think the camp is divided in a very big way, that’s the reason why I’m doing all the measurements. Because I want people to understand that the person that healed themselves of that condition, that traumatic brain injury, I want to show you that their brain is better. They’re not just saying I feel better. No, they are better. I want them to see that. Now they didn’t do that with a drug, they didn’t do that with theraphy, they didn’t do that with anything except by thought alone. And they made those biological changes.

To answer the question, the camp is divided in many ways; the old paradigms, the new understandings, and the new paradigms. And then there’s this little kind of bridge in between, and we’re only as good as the people that are willing to execute it. In other words, you’ve got to be skilled at this, right? If you’re not skilled at it, we’re not going to see any changes.

Imagine for 500 people coming to an event, a workshop, and we are going to help them cross that river. And to become conscious of their unconscious thoughts, you know, the ones that say you can’t, it’s too hard, this will never happen, I can’t change, I’m too this, I’m too old, I’m too that. Get beyond what their habits are, what they say unconsciously. Do they complain that they blamed and make excuses? They feel sorry for themselves. There’s a program, they talk about others. Then look at their emotional states, oh God, I’ve been guilty for the last 30 years, I didn’t even know I was guilty. It just felt like me. I’ve been unworthy, I didn’t know I was unworthy, just felt like who I am.

All of a sudden they start becoming conscious of that, and then they start creating a new change for themselves. And one by one, you start seeing these breakthroughs, show their brain scan, show their heart rate monitor, show the energy change. And I guarantee you just like an infection can create a disease in the community. I believe that wellness can be as infectious disease. And you start seeing traumatic changes happening in a small community of people who are outside of the conditioning of their environment.

The science has to he done to measure it. But the measurements are only as good as our students. And if they’re not doing the work, if they’re not developing the ability to sustain brainwave states, if they’re not getting beyond their analytical mind, because what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind. And if a person doesn’t get beyond the analytical mind, they’ll still think within their belief.

I’ve measured enough brains to tell you, is that when you think within your belief, or you think within those limited emotions, you are going to make your brain worse. Without a doubt. It’s only when you transcend that analytical mind, you start falling in to those subconscious programs and you begin to step into the autonomic nervous system, where you can change your chemistry and your biology. If our students aren’t good at doing that, then it’s still a philosophical concept, pie in the sky principles.

But what we want to do is we want to give people the knowledge, the information, and blend the sciences of possibility, whether it’s quantum physics or neuroplasticity, or neuroendocrinology, or epigenetics, or whatever it is, hormonal changes. Psycho neuroimmunology, we want to give them the information and have them reason it. We want them to he able to turn to someone next to them and explain what they just learned so they wire it in there. We want to give them the instruction and have them review the instruction and then we want to put them into the experience, not everybody is going to have the experience, but all we need is a few.

If that person or a series of people have that experience, that transformation. We measure that transformation, that’s more information to teach transformation the next time because I can understand what took place. So our work is only as good as our students ability to regulate and change those states. But I do know that if you give people the opportunity and they have enough times in their environment to apply it, you’ll start seeing those transformations occur, and now we’re stepping outside the paradigm of the human beings are limited. They’re powerless, they need these external things to take care of them, I think it’s time that we start taking a bit more responsibility for these things and seeing if we’re able to do it in a practical, measurable way.

An attitude, an attitude, an attitude, are shorten states of being. You combine them together, then a belief, the cycle of thinking and feeling over time creates a subconscious state of being. So all beliefs are subconscious states of being. We have beliefs about God, about spirituality, about health, about relationships, about love. And all of those are based on our past experiences, but the majority of those beliefs, we don’t even know that we believe them, because we think they’re true. Because they’re not functioning primarily in the conscious mind.

If you take a belief, a belief, a belief, and you stack them together, you start to form what’s called perceptions. Perceptions have everything to do with the relationships we have, the things we create, the behaviours we demonstrate, and even the choices we make in our relationships. So why is that important? Because then if beliefs are subconscious states of being, and your stringing beliefs together, then most people are viewing their life through the lens of the past unconsciously. And they are filling in reality, they’re seeing reality. They’re filling it in from their past memory.

For example:

We know this to be true because scientists did an amazing experiment where they took a group of people, and they had them wear these lenses. And the lenses were divided in half, and they looked to one side, they saw one color. They looked to another side, they saw another color.

They said to the groups, “Okay, well, wear these glasses everyday for two weeks. Do all the things you do at on a daily basis, go to work, go hang out, work out, you know, live your life”.

At the end of two weeks, they brought those people back into the lab and they said, “look to the left, what color do you see?” They said, “we don’t see a color”. “Well, what about the other side, what color do you see?” And the answer is still, “we don’t see a color either”.

Now, says a couple of things. Number one, the eyes don’t see. The brain sees. But more emphatically important is that those people were filling in their external reality based on their memory in their brain. If they were truly seeing, they would be seeing those colors, right? So then in our perceptions then we are overlaying our future, we are overlaying the present moment with our memory of the past. And so then that begins to diminish possibility.

When it begins to open up, it is the way that we can begin to navigate and function in our lives.

